Access Control Lists

This document gives some insight on how to set ACLs for buckets as well as objects. In the Pre-Requisites section it also talks about how to setup HCP to be able to follow the examples provided below. If you use Amazon S3 or a different compatible S3 Store, use the intended tool to set it up instead.

Pre-Requisites for HCP HS3

  • Setup a new Tenant for use as S3 store:

    • Create a new Tenant

      • assign proper Hard- and Namespace-quota
      • enable these features:
        • Replication - if wanted
        • Retention Mode Selection - No
        • Search - if wanted
        • Service Plan Selection - NO (but select a proper Service Plan)
        • Versioning - YES
    • Log in with the initial user, then:

      • update the user’s password

      • add Monitor and Admin roles to the initial user (Security / Users)

      • enable MAPI (Security / MAPI)

      • configure defaults for new Namespaces (aka Buckets) (Configuration / Namespace Defaults)

        • set a proper Hard-quota
        • enable Versioning
        • set Prune versions older than to a proper number of days
      • create two new users (test, antitest) for data access

        • check Allow namespace management

        • do not check any of the roles (Monitor, Administrator etc.)!

        • use test01 and antitest01 as the passwords at this time

        • (manually) calculate the Access_Key and the Security_Access_Key for the users:

          $ echo -n test | base64
          $ echo -n test01 | md5
          $ echo -n antitest | base64
          $ echo -n antitest01 | md5

Prepare hs3sh

We’ll use hs3sh for the following tasks. For that, you need to configure profiles for each of test and antitest and the newly created HCP Tenant in the .hs3sh.conf file (see Configuration on how to do that):

comment = Tenant 's3erlei' at hcp73, user test
endpoint =
https = yes
aws_access_key_id = dGVzdA==
aws_secret_access_key = 0e698a8ffc1a0af622c7b4db3cb750cc

comment = Tenant 's3erlei' at hcp73, user antitest
endpoint =
https = yes
aws_access_key_id = YW50aXRlc3Q=
aws_secret_access_key = b57502fa4e33555bfd1e8adc4deb58ee

Create buckets in HCP HS3

Start hs3sh:

$ hs3sh
HS3 Shell

Connect using one of the profiles and create a bucket:

--> connect s3erlei_test
--> bucket -c snomis-testbucket
--> lsb -a
          created owner|ID               grantee region         bucket name                         ACLs
----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ----------------------------------------
16/03/16-11:42:00 test                           compatible     snomis-test
                                            test                                            FULL_CONTROL
--> attach snomis-testbucket
--> put ../README.rst readme.txt
VersionId = 93320232949249
--> ls
    last modified            size version_id                       object name
----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------
16/03/16-11:43:59           2,586 93320232949249                   readme.txt

We also wrote a small file.

Work with bucket ACLs

We can now use antitest to see if we can access that bucket:

--> connect s3erlei_antitest
--> lsb
          created owner|ID                       region         bucket name
----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ----------------------------------------

We can’t list buckets, as we don’t own any - good.

--> attach snomis-testbucket
--> ls
    last modified            size version_id                       object name
----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------
error: ls failed
    hint: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the
    ListObjects operation: Access Denied

And we also can’t list the snomis-testbucket, as we haven’t been granted any access to it. Good as well.

Now let’s set a canned ACL that allows all authenticated users to read the snomis-testbucket:

--> connect s3erlei_test

--> lsb -a
          created owner|ID               grantee region         bucket name                         ACLs
----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ----------------------------------------
16/03/16-11:43:44 test                           compatible     snomis-testbucket
                                            test                                            FULL_CONTROL
--> acl -b "snomis-testbucket" -s "public-read"
--> lsb -a
          created owner|ID               grantee region         bucket name                         ACLs
----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ----------------------------------------
16/03/16-11:43:44 test                           compatible     snomis-testbucket
                                        AllUsers                                                    READ
                                            test                                            FULL_CONTROL

Now we can again use antitest to verify that we have access:

--> connect s3erlei_antitest
--> lsb
          created owner|ID                       region         bucket name
----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ----------------------------------------

Hm, we don’t see any buckets, as before. Why that? Well, we don’t own a bucket, so no buckets will shown. But as we have read permission for snomis-testbucket now, we can attach to it:

--> attach snomis-testbucket
--> ls
    last modified            size version_id                       object name
----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------
16/03/16-11:43:59           2,586 93320232949249                   readme.txt

And we now can see what’s in there. Let’s try to read that object:

--> get readme.txt
HS3 Shell

The HS3 Shell (**hs3sh**) is a command processor created to interact with Amazon
S3 and compatible storage services.

Perfect. Writing an object fails, of course:

--> put ../README.rst myreadme.txt
error: put failed...
    hint: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutObject
    operation: Access Denied

Now, let’s see what has happend to HCP when we set the canned ACL:


Due to assigning an ACL with the canned ACL of public-read to the bucket, we set the Browse and Read permission for it, which is reflected in what HCP shows in its management UI for the bucket in question.

In addition to the canned ACL of public-read, we can also give antitest explicitely the right to write objects (again done by the bucket owner, test):

--> connect s3erlei_test
--> acl -b "snomis-testbucket" -g antitest write
--> lsb -a
          created owner|ID               grantee region         bucket name                         ACLs
----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ----------------------------------------
16/03/16-11:43:44 test                           compatible     snomis-testbucket
                                        AllUsers                                                    READ
                                            test                                            FULL_CONTROL
                                        antitest                                                   WRITE

Switching back to antitest we’re able to write an object, now:

--> connect s3erlei_antitest
--> attach snomis-testbucket
--> put ../README.rst antireadme.txt
VersionId = 93320517364353
--> ls
    last modified            size version_id                       object name
----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------
16/03/16-12:58:04           2,586 93320517364353                   antireadme.txt
16/03/16-11:43:59           2,586 93320232949249                   readme.txt

Back to HCP, we find the write permission test gave to antitest in antitest’s permission settings:


As you can see, no Browse and Read permissions are set here, as Write permission doesn’t include them.

Result of what we did is that antitest has Read permission (granted by the canned ACL) as well as Write permission (through the individual grant).

Work with object ACLs

First, let’s remove the canned ACL as well as the Write permission we gave to antitest:

--> connect s3erlei_test
--> acl -b "snomis-testbucket" -s private
--> lsb -a
          created owner|ID               grantee region         bucket name                         ACLs
----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ----------------------------------------
16/03/16-11:43:44 test                           compatible     snomis-testbucket
                                            test                                            FULL_CONTROL
--> ls -a
    last modified            size version_id                       object name             ACLs
----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------
16/03/16-12:58:04           2,586 93320517364353                   antireadme.txt
16/03/16-11:43:59           2,586 93320232949249                   readme.txt
                                                              test                 FULL_CONTROL

Hm, the object antitest wrote befor doesn’t have any ACL - why that? Well, as the object was created, it inherited the permissions that were granted to antitest at that time. As we took away those grants, the incerited grants went away, as well. User test has access to it, as a bucket owner always has FULL_CONTROL over the bucket’s content. Let’s try to read that file:

--> get antireadme.txt
HS3 Shell

The HS3 Shell (**hs3sh**) is a command processor created to interact with Amazon
S3 and compatible storage services.

So, that’s fine. Now lets give antitest the permission to read the object he created, again:

--> acl -o antitest -g antitest read
--> ls -a anti
    last modified            size version_id                       object name             ACLs
----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------
16/03/16-14:29:52           2,586 93320860763393                   antireadme.txt
                                                              test                 FULL_CONTROL
                                                          antitest                         READ

Let’s see if antitest can access the object again:

--> ls
    last modified            size version_id                       object name
----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------
error: ls failed
    hint: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the
    ListObjects operation: Access Denied

--> get antireadme.txt
HS3 Shell

The HS3 Shell (**hs3sh**) is a command processor created to interact with Amazon
S3 and compatible storage services.

So, antitest can’t list the bucket’s content (which is OK, as he doesn’t have any permissions on the bucket), but he can read the object to which we granted Read permission to him.

Using HCPs Namespace Browser, we can verify that an ACL has been set for that object:


Selecting the little ACL icon on the right of the row showing the object called antireadme.txt will show us the ACL itself:
