Sample SessionΒΆ

$ hs3sh
******************************* HS3 Shell v1.1.0 ******************************

                 Type "help" for a list of available commands.
       Most commands support output redirection using "|", ">" and ">>".

--> help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
acl     bucket  connect  debug  help  lsb  put   rm   status  url
attach  bye     cp       get    ls    lsp  quit  run  time

--> ? connect
connect <profile_name>
    Connect to an S3 endpoint using profile <profile_name>
    from ~/.hs3sh.conf or ./.hs3sh.conf
--> lsp
C profile                         tag  value
- -------------------------- --------- ---------------------------------------
  hcp81                       comment: Tenant 's3' at hcp81, user s3user, http
                                https: False
  hcp81-motest                comment: Tenant 'motest' at hcp81, user motest, http
                                https: True
  hcp82                       comment: Tenant 's3' at hcp82, user s3user, http
                                https: False
  hcp83                       comment: Tenant 's3' at hcp83, user s3user, http
                                https: False
  hcp84                       comment: Tenant 's3' at hcp84, user s3user, http
                                https: False
  hcp_l                       comment: Tenant s3erlei, user s3user,
                                https: False
--> connect hcp81
--> lsb
          created owner|ID                       region         V bucket name
----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- - --------------------------------------
17/12/19-10:46:59 s3user                         compatible     X five
17/12/08-15:33:04 s3user                         compatible     X four
17/12/05-15:09:56 s3user                         compatible     X one
18/02/06-06:56:48 s3user                         compatible     X test
18/02/08-09:29:35 s3user                         compatible       test1
18/02/08-09:31:31 s3user                         compatible       test2
18/03/05-15:01:50 s3user                         compatible     X test3
18/03/23-08:46:06 s3user                         compatible       test4
17/12/07-13:47:29 s3user                         compatible     X three
17/12/05-15:10:02 s3user                         compatible     X two
--> attach test2
--> ls
    last modified            size version_id                           object name
----------------- --------------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------
18/03/28-14:50:33      52,428,800 null                                 50MB
18/03/07-21:12:58             529 null                                 test
18/03/28-14:48:34             970 null                                 ulp.txt
18/03/28-14:36:25             970 null                                 ulp1
18/03/28-14:36:54             970 null                                 ulp2
18/03/28-14:37:16             970 null                                 ulp3
18/03/28-14:42:12             970 null                                 ulp4
18/03/28-14:44:05             970 null                                 ulp5
18/03/28-14:47:15             970 null                                 ulp6
18/03/28-14:47:35             970 null                                 ulp7
18/03/28-14:47:59             970 null                                 ulp8
--> put ../README.rst readme.rst title:readme 'content:good_to_know'
sending file "../README.rst" of size 2665
--> ls -avm readme.rst
    last modified            size version_id                   grantee A object name/metadata    ACLs
----------------- --------------- ------------------------------------ - ----------------------------

18/03/29-07:34:07           2,665 97427766246849                       X readme.rst
                                                                s3user                   FULL_CONTROL
                                                                         {'_content': "good_to_know'", 'title': 'readme'}
--> quit
Ending gracefully...