Access Control Lists ==================== This document gives some insight on how to set ACLs for buckets as well as objects. In the Pre-Requisites section it also talks about how to setup HCP to be able to follow the examples provided below. If you use Amazon S3 or a different compatible S3 Store, use the intended tool to set it up instead. Pre-Requisites for HCP HS3 -------------------------- * Setup a new Tenant for use as S3 store: * Create a new Tenant * assign proper Hard- and Namespace-quota * enable these features: * Replication - **if wanted** * Retention Mode Selection - **No** * Search - **if wanted** * Service Plan Selection - **NO** (but select a proper Service Plan) * Versioning - **YES** * Log in with the initial user, then: * update the user's password * add **Monitor** and **Admin roles** to the initial user *(Security / Users)* * enable **MAPI** *(Security / MAPI)* * configure defaults for new Namespaces (aka Buckets) *(Configuration / Namespace Defaults)* * set a proper Hard-quota * enable **Versioning** * set **Prune versions older than** to a proper number of days * create two new users (**test, antitest**) for data access * check **Allow namespace management** * do **not** check any of the roles (Monitor, Administrator etc.)! * use **test01** and **antitest01** as the passwords at this time * (manually) calculate the *Access_Key* and the *Security_Access_Key* for the users:: $ echo -n test | base64 dGVzdA== $ echo -n test01 | md5 0e698a8ffc1a0af622c7b4db3cb750cc $ echo -n antitest | base64 YW50aXRlc3Q= $ echo -n antitest01 | md5 b57502fa4e33555bfd1e8adc4deb58ee Prepare **hs3sh** ----------------- We'll use **hs3sh** for the following tasks. For that, you need to configure profiles for each of *test* and *antitest* and the newly created HCP Tenant in the **.hs3sh.conf** file (see :doc:`../20_configuration` on how to do that):: [s3erlei_test] comment = Tenant 's3erlei' at hcp73, user test endpoint = https = yes aws_access_key_id = dGVzdA== aws_secret_access_key = 0e698a8ffc1a0af622c7b4db3cb750cc [s3erlei_antitest] comment = Tenant 's3erlei' at hcp73, user antitest endpoint = https = yes aws_access_key_id = YW50aXRlc3Q= aws_secret_access_key = b57502fa4e33555bfd1e8adc4deb58ee Create buckets in HCP HS3 ------------------------- Start **hs3sh**:: $ hs3sh HS3 Shell ========= --> Connect using one of the profiles and create a bucket:: --> connect s3erlei_test --> bucket -c snomis-testbucket --> lsb -a created owner|ID grantee region bucket name ACLs ----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ---------------------------------------- 16/03/16-11:42:00 test compatible snomis-test test FULL_CONTROL --> attach snomis-testbucket --> put ../README.rst readme.txt VersionId = 93320232949249 --> ls last modified size version_id object name ----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------- 16/03/16-11:43:59 2,586 93320232949249 readme.txt We also wrote a small file. Work with bucket ACLs --------------------- We can now use *antitest* to see if we can access that bucket:: --> connect s3erlei_antitest --> lsb created owner|ID region bucket name ----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ---------------------------------------- We can't list buckets, as we don't own any - good. :: --> attach snomis-testbucket --> ls last modified size version_id object name ----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------- error: ls failed hint: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListObjects operation: Access Denied And we also can't list the *snomis-testbucket*, as we haven't been granted any access to it. Good as well. Now let's set a *canned ACL* that allows all authenticated users to read the *snomis-testbucket*:: --> connect s3erlei_test --> lsb -a created owner|ID grantee region bucket name ACLs ----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ---------------------------------------- 16/03/16-11:43:44 test compatible snomis-testbucket test FULL_CONTROL --> acl -b "snomis-testbucket" -s "public-read" --> lsb -a created owner|ID grantee region bucket name ACLs ----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ---------------------------------------- 16/03/16-11:43:44 test compatible snomis-testbucket AllUsers READ test FULL_CONTROL Now we can again use *antitest* to verify that we have access:: --> connect s3erlei_antitest --> lsb created owner|ID region bucket name ----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ---------------------------------------- Hm, we don't see any buckets, as before. Why that? Well, we don't own a bucket, so no buckets will shown. But as we have read permission for *snomis-testbucket* now, we can attach to it:: --> attach snomis-testbucket --> ls last modified size version_id object name ----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------- 16/03/16-11:43:59 2,586 93320232949249 readme.txt And we now can see what's in there. Let's try to read that object:: --> get readme.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HS3 Shell ========= The HS3 Shell (**hs3sh**) is a command processor created to interact with Amazon S3 and compatible storage services. [..] Perfect. Writing an object fails, of course:: --> put ../README.rst myreadme.txt error: put failed... hint: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutObject operation: Access Denied Now, let's see what has happend to HCP when we set the *canned ACL*: .. image:: ../_static/HCP_canned_ACL_01.png Due to assigning an ACL with the *canned ACL* of *public-read* to the bucket, we set the *Browse* and *Read* permission for it, which is reflected in what HCP shows in its management UI for the bucket in question. In addition to the *canned ACL* of *public-read*, we can also give *antitest* explicitely the right to write objects (again done by the bucket owner, *test*):: --> connect s3erlei_test --> acl -b "snomis-testbucket" -g antitest write --> lsb -a created owner|ID grantee region bucket name ACLs ----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ---------------------------------------- 16/03/16-11:43:44 test compatible snomis-testbucket AllUsers READ test FULL_CONTROL antitest WRITE Switching back to *antitest* we're able to write an object, now:: --> connect s3erlei_antitest --> attach snomis-testbucket --> put ../README.rst antireadme.txt VersionId = 93320517364353 --> ls last modified size version_id object name ----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------- 16/03/16-12:58:04 2,586 93320517364353 antireadme.txt 16/03/16-11:43:59 2,586 93320232949249 readme.txt Back to HCP, we find the write permission *test* gave to *antitest* in *antitest*'s permission settings: .. image:: ../_static/HCP_canned_ACL_02.png As you can see, no *Browse* and *Read* permissions are set here, as *Write* permission doesn't include them. Result of what we did is that *antitest* has *Read* permission (granted by the *canned ACL*) as well as *Write* permission (through the individual grant). Work with object ACLs --------------------- First, let's remove the *canned ACL* as well as the *Write* permission we gave to *antitest*:: --> connect s3erlei_test --> acl -b "snomis-testbucket" -s private --> lsb -a created owner|ID grantee region bucket name ACLs ----------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ---------------------------------------- 16/03/16-11:43:44 test compatible snomis-testbucket test FULL_CONTROL --> ls -a last modified size version_id object name ACLs ----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------- 16/03/16-12:58:04 2,586 93320517364353 antireadme.txt 16/03/16-11:43:59 2,586 93320232949249 readme.txt test FULL_CONTROL Hm, the object *antitest* wrote befor doesn't have any ACL - why that? Well, as the object was created, it inherited the permissions that were granted to *antitest* at that time. As we took away those grants, the incerited grants went away, as well. User *test* has access to it, as a bucket owner always has FULL_CONTROL over the bucket's content. Let's try to read that file:: --> get antireadme.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HS3 Shell ========= The HS3 Shell (**hs3sh**) is a command processor created to interact with Amazon S3 and compatible storage services. [..] So, that's fine. Now lets give *antitest* the permission to read the object he created, again:: --> acl -o antitest -g antitest read --> ls -a anti last modified size version_id object name ACLs ----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------- 16/03/16-14:29:52 2,586 93320860763393 antireadme.txt test FULL_CONTROL antitest READ Let's see if *antitest* can access the object again:: --> ls last modified size version_id object name ----------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------------- error: ls failed hint: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListObjects operation: Access Denied --> get antireadme.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HS3 Shell ========= The HS3 Shell (**hs3sh**) is a command processor created to interact with Amazon S3 and compatible storage services. [..] So, *antitest* can't list the bucket's content (which is OK, as he doesn't have any permissions on the bucket), but he can read the object to which we granted *Read* permission to him. Using HCPs Namespace Browser, we can verify that an ACL has been set for that object: .. image:: ../_static/HCP_object_ACL_01.png Selecting the little **ACL** icon on the right of the row showing the object called **antireadme.txt** will show us the ACL itself: .. image:: ../_static/HCP_object_ACL_02.png